What Are The Side Effects Of HIFU

| | From: ADSS

HIFU Treatments Side Effects

  • 1.Pain

  • HIFU therapy is usually painless, with users reporting a slight tingling sensation or warmth on the skin. However, there can be a sensation of pin pricks and heat, this is only felt during the treatment and does not continue when the client leaves. Some clients do feel uncomfortable, although this passes as the treatment goes on and you see your amazing results at the end. An experienced aesthetic professional can administer a numbing cream or oral medication, if the pain becomes too intense, however, this is very rare and most clients do not require this.

  • 2.Blotchy skin

  • This was the most common side effect reported by patients during a study researching the effectiveness of HIFU. Treated areas can become red and blotchy, particularly if your skin is sensitive and prone to redness. This side effect is not permanent, usually going away a few hours after the treatment.  do provide creams to settle this at the end of treatment and always have some to take home if required.

  • 3.Swelling

  • Bloated and swollen skin are rare side effects of a HIFU facial, but because each person’s skin is different it’s possible for swelling to occur. The swelling usually disappears after a few days, then you can fully appreciate the age-rewinding benefits of your ultrasound facial.  will ensure that your fully aware of all the benefits and side effects during your consultation.

  • 4.Numbness

  • The sound waves emitted during the HIFU procedure penetrate the very deepest layers of skin in order to eradicate even the most deep-set wrinkles. The technology is unique in its ability to penetrate the dermis and the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS) layer, which is deeper than all other non-invasive treatments. SMAS is the same layer which is tightening during conventional surgery, however, unlike surgery, HIFU is more affordable and requires no time off work. As HIFU penetrate the very deepest layers, occasionally this can cause some minor damage which can lead to feelings of numbness.

  • 5.Hyper-pigmentation

  • While rare, this is a side effect that is potentially permanent. This can cause the skin to change colour and become darker. This is a side effect that can be caused by the heat emitting ultrasound device that can reach temperatures of up to 45 – 65 degrees celsius. This side effect has not occurred at RT Aesthetics before, we ensure that every client has a patch test and ensure that everything is fully explained and understood during the consultation. Our aesthetic practitioners are trained to the highest standard and go through strict processes, after all, client safety is our main priority.

  • 6.The absence of effect

  • Those who have undergone a HIFU treatment sometimes experience no visible benefit or adverse effects of the ultrasound treatment. While it’s great that their skin is not damaged, it’s not beneficial for those who hoped to have wrinkle free and tighter skin. In 10% of cases, users see no difference in the appearance of their skin and neck, as results vary from patient to patient, occasionally the collagen building on the inside that helps counter the effects of gravity does not always have a visible effect on the outside.

Every facial therapy is accompanied by some potentially adverse side effects. However, a HIFU facial treatment is an FDA approved method of facial tightening and defining. Permanent side effects are rare and minor side effects are relatively infrequent and tend to disappear within a week or two. If you are willing to risk the potential side effects of the treatment, then HIFU might be the ideal facial for you.